Recently I came upon an old business photograph of mine, used without my permission or knowledge, in a range of blogs and articles throughout the internet.  I am calling this use "past nisht", but the use of my photographs is way beyond "past nisht" and I want to believe that since I sent emails to the different offenders this use will now stop!

This is the original photograph, taken by my husband Sidney – using five of my own wigs and head stands, as well as one of the first backgrounds we constructed using one of my Shabbos tablecloths. 

This is just one of a series of photographs taken in 2009 and were subsequently used in a variety of ways including in my first business card and several web site versions – under the original name of my business: Styles by Yochi. 

Examples of my old site (2011):

Examples of my old site (2010):

This photograph is MY property and as such, permission must be requested and provided before this photograph is published ANYWHERE.  

The credit under the photo should read as follows: “Photographed by Sidney Eisner for Yochi Eisner, The Kallah Whisperer for”

I want to believe that this situation will be remedied immediately!

I am thrilled to announce the launch of my newly designed website (yeah!)

I am thrilled to announce the launch of my newly designed website (yeah!) 

My NEW bridal services include FREE computer-generated images to ensure that your hairstyle and makeup PERFECTLY compliment your gown and veil and FREE Skype and messaging consulting throughout the pre-wedding period.

To celebrate the launch you can enjoy an additional 15% discount on all bridal and simcha beauty services!  Contact me today for full details! Offer good until January 15 2014 for weddings throughout the 2013-2014 season!


This is the workshop you have been waiting for!  Fab Over 50 is coming to Binyamina and it is time you signed up!!!!!!!  What are you waiting for?  Contact me TODAY!!!!!!